Premium Accounts 31 Januari 2012

Premium Accounts 31 Januari 2012

10:56 PM Add Comment

Noname Cyber | Premium Account

Bagi anda yang doyan download dan yang sangat membutuhkan akun premium ini silahkan dilihat dan mungkin hanya untuk hari ini bisa dipakainya.


Silahkan lihat di sini dan klik skip dan tunggu 5 detik klik skip add
Badai Matahari Capai Bumi Semalam

Badai Matahari Capai Bumi Semalam

6:28 AM Add Comment
Subhanallah, Badai Matahari Adalah Tanda Kebesaran Allah | Badai Matahari Capai Bumi Semalam | Noname Cyber | Andri Jaya Sukma

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA  -- Partikel energetik dari ledakan "flare" badai matahari pertama di tahun 2012 yang tergolong cukup kuat  yang terjadi pada 23 Januari pukul 10.59 WIB, telah mencapai bumi pada Selasa 24 Januari malam waktu Indonesia.

"Dampaknya terhadap operasional satelit terasa hingga Rabu ini. Flare yang cukup kuat ini adalah pertama kali sejak Mei 2005 atau sejak tujuh tahun lalu," kata Deputi Sains, Pengkajian, dan Informasi Kedirgantaraan Lembaga Penerbangan dan Antariksa Nasional (Lapan), Prof Dr Thomas Djaludin di Jakarta, Rabu( 25/1).

Badai matahari yang cukup kuat seperti ini berpotensi menggangu operasional satelit, seperti satelit komunikasi, paparnya. Kalau itu terjadi dan tidak dapat diatasi oleh operator satelitnya, kemungkinan terjadi gangguan pada penggunaan telepon selular, siaran TV, komunikasi data perbankan, dan pengguna lainnya.

"Tetapi biasanya para operator satelit sudah mengantisipasinya," katanya. Dampak lainnya adalah gangguan pada ionosfer yang akan mengganggu komunikasi radio HF/gelombang pendek yang biasa digunakan oleh komunikasi jarak jauh, termasuk oleh siaran radio luar negeri seperti BBC, VOA, atau ABC.

"Navigasi berbasis satelit seperti GPS juga kemungkinan terganggu akurasinya, jadi jangan terlalu percaya pada posisi yang ditunjukkan GPS (frekuensi tunggal)," ucapnya.

Dikatakan Djamal, ledakan badai matahari kelas M sebenarnya tergolong kelas menengah, tetapi karena mendekati kelas ekstrem (kelas X), maka dampaknya akan cukup kuat kalau mengarah ke bumi.

"Setelah hari ini, masih ada potensi badai yang lebih kuat lagi dalam tahun ini, karena sekarang ini memang sedang pada fase matahari aktif," tuturnya.

Sumber :

Musisi dan Selebriti Dukung Megaupload

6:21 PM Add Comment
Musisi dan Selebriti Dukung Megaupload | Noname Cyber

Jakarta - Bukannya kesal karena banyak hasil karyanya ditampung di Megaupload, sejumlah musisi dan selebriti justru mendukung situs berbagi tersebut.

Dukungan itu diungkapkan melalui video yang diunggah di YouTube. Tampak selebriti dan musisi besar seperti, Serena Williams, Drake, Kanye West, Snoop Dogg bahkan Kim Kardashian pun ikut mendukung situs berbagi tersebut.

Dalam video berdurasi 4 menit 17 detik itu para musisi dan selebriti memaparkan manfaat Megaupload bagi kehidupan mereka, yakni berbagi file dengan mudah karena aksesnya yang cepat.

Kini, video yang direkam sesaat sebelum Megaupload tumbang itu semakin banyak diputar dan disebarkan para pendukung situs tersebut.

Seperti diketahui sebelumnya bahwa, Megaupload berhasil dibungkam oleh para pelaku industri melalui wewenang pemerintah setempat.

"Ini adalah salah satu tindakan besar yang pernah dibawa pemilik hak cipta ke persidangan," kata Department of Justice America, seperti dikutip detikINET dari foxnews, Jumat (20/1/2012).

Namun bukan tanpa alasan, para musisi yang ada di video tersebut sebelumnya sudah menjalin kesepakatan dengan pemilik Megaupload, Kim dotcom, untuk mempromosikan situs 'loker virtual' tersebut. Walau sempat ditentang oleh Universal Music Grup (UMG).

Megaupload sendiri diklaim sudah memiliki pengguna sebanyak 1 miliar dengan rata-rata 50 juta pengunjung setiap harinya, termasuk yang berasal dari Indonesia.

Sumber :
Menuai Kritik, RUU SOPA Ditarik

Menuai Kritik, RUU SOPA Ditarik

2:04 PM Add Comment
Menuai Kritik, RUU SOPA Ditarik | Noname Cyber

Sebelum membaca artikel ini ada baiknnya membaca SOPA & PIPA dan Dampak Terhadap Indonesia dan Kita Semua Pengguna Internet

Lamar Smith yang mengajukan RUU ini menarik SOPA setelah mendengar kritik banyak pihak.

VIVAnews - Industri internet di Amerika Serikat digemparkan dengan Rancangan Undang-Undang Anti Pembajakan Online (SOPA) dan RUU Perlindungan Properti Intelektual (PIPA). Aturan yang diajukan oleh anggota Kongres asal Texas dari Partai Republik, Lamar Smith, itu dianggap berpotensi menjadi alat sensor di dunia maya.

Tapi, Lamar Smith kemudian menarik SOPA ini. Smith ternyata tak jadi mengajukan SOPA setelah mendengarkan sejumlah kritik dari banyak pihak di media massa.

"Saya telah mendengar kritik-kritik tersebut dan saya mendengar secara serius. Saya juga mencermati legislasi yang akan diajukan untuk mengatasi permasalahan pembajakan di internet," ucap Smith, dalam pernyataan pers, seperti dikutip dari Mashable.

Menurut Lamar Smith, perlu dilakukan pendekatan terbaik untuk mengatasi permasalah pembajakan, yang mencuri produk dan inovasi Amerika. "Industri properti intelektual Amerika telah menyediakan 19 juta pekerjaan bergaji besar dan menghasilkan sebagai lebih dari 60 persen ekspor Amerika," jelas Smith.

Smith juga memberikan pemaparan, pembajakan online menyebabkan Amerika rugi sekitar US$ 100 miliar tiap tahun, dan hilangnya ribuan pekerjaan. Karena itu Smith merasakan perlu adanya aturan untuk melindungi aksi pembajakan yang dianggapnya sama seperti pencurian.

Selanjutnya, akan ada komunikasi antara pembuat legislasi di AS dengan pemilik hak cipta (copyright), perusahaan internet, juga institusi keuangan, untuk mengembangkan aturan terkait pembajakan.

Sejumlah perusahaan internet memang secara terbuka melakukan protes terhadap SOPA. Wikipedia menutup layanannya selama satu hari. Google pun menutup logonya dengan tanda hitam, sebagai simbol bahaya sensor di internet. Menurut mereka, SOPA merupakan bentuk sensor yang mengancam masa depan internet, termasuk keterbukaan arus informasi.

SOPA dan PIPA merupakan aturan yang memungkinkan Departemen Kehakiman AS untuk meminta polisi menutup situs yang menyediakan tautan ke sejumlah situs yang dianggap memiliki konten pembajakan. Jelas ini merupakan ancaman bagi sejumlah industri internet, termasuk situs mesin pencari seperti Google dan ensiklopedia terbuka seperti Wikipedia.

Pendiri Wikipedia, Jimmy Wales, pun memahami permasalahan pembajakan. "Saya pikir pemegang copyright memang memiliki isu legitimasi, tapi ada banyak cara lain untuk mengatasi isu ini yang tidak melibatkan sensor," ucap Wales, seperti dikutip dari Reuters.

Sumber :

SOPA & PIPA dan Dampak Terhadap Indonesia dan Kita Semua Pengguna Internet

2:00 PM Add Comment
Stop SOPA & PIPA | Noname Cyber

Apa itu SOPA dan PIPA?? Bagi sobat yang sering bergelut dengan dunia maya dan atau beraktivitas di internet itu sudah merupakan kebutuhan sehari-hari, sobat harus baca info penting ini dan kenali apa itu SOPA dan PIPA.

SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) dan PIPA (Protect IP Act) adalah undang-undang yang diajukan tahun lalu oleh senator dan pejabat tinggi AS dengan tujuan untuk melindungi hak cipta materi internet seperti video, musik, software dan semua barang digital dari pembajakan. SOPA dan PIPA mengatur bagaimana dunia maya seharusnya menurut mereka, dan tentunya penggunanya. Namun, undang-undang ini tidak sesederhana itu, banyak hal dari undang-undang ini akan mengubah cara kerja internet saat ini.
Apa yang menjadi dasar perintah utama undang-undang SOPA dan PIPA ini ?
  • Pemerintah AS dan organisasi perusahaan pemilik hak cipta dapat meminta penyedia layanan internet (ISP) untuk memblokir akses ke situs web yang dianggap sebagai penyedia tempat pelanggaran hak cipta. Teknisnya, yaitu memerintahkan ISP untuk mengubah server DNS mereka (baca: mem-block) dari membaca nama domain suatu situs di negara luar AS yang menyimpan konten ilegal seperti video, lagu, atau photo / gambar.
  • Pemerintah AS dan organisasi perusahaan pemilik hak cipta dapat mengambil tindakan hukum untuk menggugat mesin pencari, situs blog, direktori, atau situs secara umum yang memiliki situs-situs blacklist untuk dihapus dari situs web mereka. Teknisnya, yaitu memerintahkan situs pencari seperti Google atau lainnya untuk mengubah query pencariannya dengan mengecualikan situs yang menyimpan konten ilegal. Jadi, jika Anda mencari di situs pencari, situs ini tidak akan ditemukan. Prakteknya mirip dengan di Cina. Bila ada netter mengetik 'Tibet' atau 'Tianamen' di negeri tirai bambu itu dipastikan tak ditemukan hasil pencarian di Google. Begitu pula yang terjadi bila RUU disahkan di AS. Pengguna internet yang mengetik 'Iwan Yuliyanto download gratis' misal, bakal kecewa karena tiada hasil yang didapat, meskipun berkali - kali mencarinya.
  • Jaksa Agung AS dapat membawa kasus ke pengadilan yang akan memaksa mesin pencari, pengiklan, penyedia DNS, server, dan prosesor pembayaran dari memiliki kontak apapun dengan situs yang diduga melanggar. Teknisnya, yaitu memerintahkan layanan iklan seperti Google Adsense untuk menolak iklan atau pembayaran dari situs luar AS yang menyimpan konten ilegal. Prosesor pembayaran dapat memutuskan hubungan kerjasama dengan situs, bila mereka memberikan alasan kuat bahwa situs tersebut melanggar hak cipta. Teknisnya, yaitu memerintahkan layanan pembayaran online seperti Amazon, dsb untuk mematikan akun dari situs luar AS yang menyimpan konten ilegal.
  • RUU juga berpotensi memberi ancaman lebih dari itu karena definisi situs pembajak yang diusung SOPA dianggap terlalu luas. SOPA tak hanya mengancam situs-situs underground yang menyediakan lagu atau film gratis, namun juga situs yang dianggap dan dicurigai 'mempermudah atau memfasilitasi' materi bajakan bisa ikut disikat.
Contoh Kasus:
Saat seorang penonton konser merekam penampilan idolanya lewat ponsel lalu mengunggah ke situs YouTube tanpa izin distributor atau pemegang hak cipta, menurut RUU tersebut YouTube dianggap memfasilitasi pelanggaran hak cipta. Konsekuensinya YouTube harus di-block dan ditutup, dan pengunggah dipidanakan. Alhasil tak mustahil satu situs yang berisi puluhan ribu halaman bisa dimatikan hanya gara-gara satu halaman mengandung unsur pelanggaran hak cipta.

Apa dampaknya bila undang-undang tersebut disahkan?
Dengan disahkannya SOPA dan PIPA, tentu saja akan membuat para raksasa sekelas Google, Yahoo, Facebook dan Mozilla berteriak. Bila Anda masih ingat, Mozilla sepanjang Desember lalu selalu menayangkan kalimat yang berbunyi "Kongres berusaha menyensor internet. Bantu Mozilla untuk memperjuangkan internet yang bebas dan terbuka. Bergabunglah sekarang!". Saat kalimat itu di-klik, pesan itu membawa ke tautan penjelasan apa itu SOPA dan PIPA.
Sedangkan dampaknya secara global adalah pengunjung dunia maya tidak akan lagi bisa melakukan kegiatan mengunduh dan semacamnya karena undang-undang tersebut menganggap ilegal.
Tentunya, banyak aspek dari Internet yang akan berubah, salah satu implementasi yang akan dilakukan oleh SOPA dan PIPA terhadap Internet adalah DNS Filtering dan DNSSEC yang diyakini oleh para ahli internet dan salah satunya, Mozilla, bahwa hal tersebut akan mengakibatkan masalah keamanan pada Internet dan juga melambatkan kinerja internet saat ini. Ada juga dampak-dampak lain yang akan terjadi pada internet, antara lain:
  • Banyak blog atau situs yang akan ditutup dikarenakan penggunaan misalnya logo, foto ataupun media lain yang diklaim oleh sang pemilik.
  • Situs-situs web service dan sosial media seperti Multiply, Facebook, YouTube, rapid*share, Twitter, Flickr, dll akan mengalami banyak masalah dan dituntut karena konten-konten yang dikontribusi oleh publik akan disaring dan disensor secara ketat.
  • Inovasi dan perkembangan teknologi dari Internet akan melambat karena perusahaan-perusahaan baru harus dapat memenuhi standar dari SOPA dan PIPA.
Apakah ini akan berdampak ke seluruh dunia, termasuk Indonesia ?
Tentu saja, dengan undang-undang tersebut, maka pemerintah AS berhak menuntut situs untuk menghapus konten-konten yang menurut mereka ilegal atau situs tersebut akan diblok (melalui ISP setempat), sehingga pengguna tidak bisa membuka lagi situs kesayangannya. Secara garis besar, SOPA dan PIPA jika disetujui hanya akan berlaku di AS dan tidak di negara lain. TETAPI, jika ada yang menggunakan server-server di Amerika Serikat untuk hosting website, tentunya konten-konten website tersebut akan masuk ke dalam juridiksi hukum di sana. Memang secara langsung, SOPA dan PIPA ini tidak mempengaruhi jaringan internet di Indonesia. Namun, bisa dibayangkan untuk kita yang sehari-hari menggunakan service-service sosial media seperti Multiply, Facebook, Google, Twitter, YouTube, dan lain-lain; kebanyakan website-website ini akan menjadi target sasaran dari SOPA dan PIPA. Penggunaan internet bisa dipastikan akan berubah jika SOPA dan PIPA diluluskan.
Sederhananya, karena memang nyatanya di internet banyak situs (di luar AS) yang menyimpan konten-konten, parlemen AS mencari cara agar bisa melarang keberadaan situs semacam itu dan mengekang apa yang disebut kebebasan internet, karena sebenarnya SOPA dan PIPA bisa berdampak lebih luas dari sekedar pelarangan konten-konten. Teknisnya, apabila situs tersebut di luar Amerika, maka penyedia jasa layanan internet (ISP) diwajibkan memblokir akses ke situs tersebut.
Apa saja kendala yang dihadapi para penentang RUU SOPA dan PIPA ini ?
Pada Desember 2011 lalu, koalisi anti-SOPA memasang iklan satu halaman penuh di hampir semua media massa nasional. Tak tanggung-tanggung, Google bahkan menyewa 15 firma pelobi untuk menghadang paket RUU itu agar tidak sampai disahkan. Namun, musuh yang dihadapi anti-SOPA itu tidak enteng, mereka lawan sekaliber. Maklum industri musik, film dan kamar dagang Amerika berada dibalik RUU tersebut. Salah satunya Asosiasi Distributor Film Amerika (MPPAA) organisasi yang membawahi nama beken seperti Universal Pictures, Sony, Warner Bros dan 20th Century Fox. MPPA selama ini dikenal getol menarget situs luar agar tak bisa diakses warga AS dan dipandang sebagai pihak selalu kalah bila berhadapan pembajak asing.
Hampir semua media massa mengecam dan mengkritik RUU itu dalam editorialnya, seperti TechDirt. Tak ketinggalan situs-situs teknologi juga ikut menyuarakan tentangan keras. Gerakan anti-SOPA memang kuat, tapi mereka di luar Kongres. Sedangkan dalam Kongres dukungan terhadap paket yang terdiri dari dua RUU itu juga sangat serius. Pertempuran dua kubu pro dan anti RUU bisa jadi dimenangkan kubu yang pro (karena didukung pemodal raksasa).
Lantas, apa yang bisa kita lakukan ?
Meskipun kondisi terburuk sudah Anda baca pada poin 5 di atas, Tetaplah Optimis dan Semangat, kawan. Bila Anda masih menginginkan kebebasan , Anda PATUT mendukung sebuah PETISI yang telah dibuat.
Silakan SAAT INI juga menyumbangkan suaranya melalui link-link berikut:
Caranya: isi email dibawah tulisan “NOT IN THE US? PETITION THE STATE DEPARTMENT” lalu tekan tombol SIGN THE PETITION.
... atau ...
Caranya: isi email, nama, serta kode pos pada kolom sisi kanan, lalu tekan tombol SEND.

Mulai dari diri sendiri gan,
hilangkan pikiran "ah, cuma gw ini, mana pengaruh sama keputusan amrik".
ingat, pengguna internet ngga cuma di amrik, tapi di dunia.
dan INDONESIA menduduki peringkat ke-4 dalam daftar pengguna internet DUNIA.
ayo gan, kita pasti bisa. ingat sebelum 24 JANUARI 2012

Tolak SOPA & PIPA Dengan ini !!

Tolak SOPA & PIPA Dengan ini !!

7:47 PM Add Comment

Pada tanggal 24 januari nanti, jika undang-undang yang bernama SOPA ( Stop Online Piracy Act ) dan PIPA ( Protect IP Act ) ini jadi ( sekarang masih dalam proses finalisasi ) . maka kebiasaan berinternet akan berubah menjadi jauh sangat drastis . ya ini memang undang-undang amerika serikat , tetapi mereka adalah negara adidaya yang keputusannya sangat mempengaruhi seluru...h dunia . Ratusan situs sud...ah melakukan blackout dan protes keras terhadap SOPA dan PIPA ( ex: Wikipedia, Wordpress, Reddit, Huffington Post, Google ) .

kalau ini sah , maka yang terjadi :
1. Tidak ada lagi Download Gratis Software, Film , Video, Musik, dan segala konten yang bersifat gratis karena semua telah dilindungi oleh HAKI yang berporos pada SOPA .
2. Tidak ada lagi Jejaring Sosial sebagai media berekspresi ( Twitter, Facebook, Yahoo Koprol dll) semua akan tumbang . dan kita seperti kembali ke zaman tahun 70'an
3. Tidak ada lagi Jual Beli Bisnis Online yang mengatasnamakan kebebasan berkekspresi di dunia maya dan mendapatkan reward atas hasil .

Google, Wikipedia, Wordpress disini situs besar sebagai wakil dari kita semua untuk melakukan voting untuk STOP SOPA dan PIPA . untuk berkampanye , menyuarakan aspirasi . Jadi, tolong berikanlah suara untuk kebebasan kita, satu suara sangat berguna

Ayo mari kita Dukung Google dalam petisi tolak SOPA dan PIPA
Langsung aja menuju kemari ->

lalu: Isi First Name, Last Name, Email dan Zip Code (isi kode pos kalian) di sidebar Sebelah kanan. Sebarkan juga status ini ke teman2 kalian. Mari Selamatkan Internet!
FBI Tutup

FBI Tutup

7:27 PM Add Comment
FBI Tutup | Noname Cyber

Walaupun Rencana Undang-undang SOPA dan PIPA belum diresmikan menjadi Undang-undang FBI melakukan langkah berani dengan menutup situs cyberlocker Megaupload. Penyelidik federal menuntut Megaupload karena menyimpan file-file ilegal dengan potenti kerugian sebesar $500 juta.

Saat ini Megaupload tercatat memiliki 150 juta pengguna dan dikujungi 50 juta pengunjung perhari. Tindakan FBI ini dirasa sungguh berani apalagi waktunya berdekatan dengan protes besar-besaran yang dilakukan website-website di Internet atas RUU SOPA dan PIPA.

Atas tindakan berani FBI ini, kelompok hacker terkenal Anonymous langsung melakukan tindakan balasan dengan menyerang situs milik departemen kehakiman Amerika Serikat, RIAA, Universal Music Group,,, BMI dan masih banyak lagi. Nampaknya Anonymous benar-benar mengamuk saat ini karena menurut sebuah sumber operasi ini adalah operasi DDoS terbesar yang pernah dilakukan oleh Anonymous dengan melibatkan lebih dari 5600 DDoS zealots sekaligus.

Sampai berita ini ditulis belum ada pernyataan resmi dari pihak Megaupload. Menurut beberapa pengguna Megaupload. Sampai tadi malam WIB situs Megaupload masih dapat dikunjungi dengan lancar. Terus kunjungi untuk mengetahui update berita ini.

Sumber : Here

Windows 8 Skin Pack 10.0 for Windows 7 (x86/x64) | 29 Mb

6:40 PM Add Comment
Windows 8 Skin Pack 10.0 for Windows 7 (x86/x64) | 29 Mb | Noname Cyber

8 Skin Pack contains a set of software and other system components that are capable of incredibly quick to transform the external design of Windows 7. After you install the system interface will be no different from Windows 8 Beta.

Subject to automatically install on your computer after you run your system with the corresponding (x86 or x64) installer. Once finished with the installation and restart Windows, you can immediately see the correct design of the system.
Before installing you must turn off User Account Control and close all running programs. After installation, you must restart the system.
For quick and correct installation of 8 Skin Pack must be removed (if they have been previously installed) or other other versions of packages to customize the interface (Skin Packs).

Supported OS:
- X86 (32Bit) - Windows 7, Windows 7 SP1
- For x64 (64Bit) - Windows 7, Windows 7 SP1
- Support for all locales

Programs used in:
- Resource Hacker 3.6 by angus johnson
- Moveex 1.0 by Alexander Frink
- Universal Theme Patcher by deepxw
- Win7BootUpdater v0 Beta 1 by jeff
- Newgen 8.0 by raymonvisual based on mosaic
- BetterExplorer Alpha by DimitarCC
- Taskbar UserTile alpha 7.1 By angelwzr
- Aura Beta 3 By Stealth2010
- Metro Clock Lock ScreenSaver 2.0 by dejco
- Pulmon Start 1.0 by parassidhu
- Windows 8 VS beta3 for Win7 by fediaFedia
- Windows 8 VS "v1.2" with aerolite gui by Misaki2009
- Metro glass Theme By jaycee13
- Metro White Theme By pisadeviant
- Aero Lite Basic Theme By thepanda_x
- Aero Lite Glass Theme By shelkadom
- Aero Lite Full Glass Theme By velix94 Refresh by hameddanger
- Start button v2 by kikookubus
- Boot animation by ngconghuan refresh by hameddanger
- Skin Pack Toolbar by bigseekpro
- New widget by usteg
- Login Screen by peterrollar

New in version 10:
- New login screen
- A new start screen
- A new lock screen
- A new boot screen
- New explorer
- A new widget
- New topic

No Password
Download Here :

WinRAR 4.10 Final (x86/x64 + Keymaker + 7-Zip + Shortcut Virus Remover v3.1 | 11 Mb

6:37 PM Add Comment
WinRAR 4.10 Final (x86/x64 + Keymaker + 7-Zip + Shortcut Virus Remover v3.1 | 11 Mb | Noname Cyber

WinRAR is a powerful archive manager. RAR files can usually compress content by 8 percent to 15 percent more than ZIP files can. WinRAR is a powerful compression tool with many integrated additional functions to help you organize your compressed archives. It can backup your data and reduce size of email attachments, decompress RAR, ZIP and other files downloaded from Internet and create new archives in RAR and ZIP file format.

WinRAR puts you ahead of the crowd when it comes to compression. By consistently creating smaller archives, WinRAR is often faster than the competition. This will save you disc space, transmission costs AND valuable working time as well. WinRAR is ideal for multimedia files. WinRAR automatically recognizes and selects the best compression method. The special compression algorithm compresses multimedia files, executables and object libraries

Features of WinRAR:
- Using WinRAR puts you ahead of the crowd when it comes to compression by consistently making smaller archives than the competition, saving disk space and transmission costs.
- WinRAR provides complete support for RAR and ZIP archives and is able to unpack CAB, ARJ, LZH, TAR, GZ, ACE, UUE, BZ2, JAR, ISO, 7Z, Z archives.
- WinRAR offers a graphic interactive interface utilizing mouse and menus as well as the command line interface.
- WinRAR is easier to use than many other archivers with the inclusion of a special "Wizard" mode which allows instant access to the basic archiving functions through a simple question and answer procedure. This avoids confusion in the early stages of use.
- WinRAR offers you the benefit of industry strength archive encryption using AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) with a key of 128 bits.
- WinRAR supports files and archives up to 8,589 billion gigabytes in size. The number of archived files is, for all practical purposes, unlimited.
- WinRAR offers the ability to create selfextracting and multivolume archives.
Recovery record and recovery volumes allow to reconstruct even physically damaged archives.
- WinRAR features are constantly being developed to keep WinRAR ahead of the pack.

With :
Shortcut Virus Remover v3.1

No Password

Download Here :
  1. Via Mediafire - 11 Mb
  2. Via Filesonic - 11 Mb
  3. Via Turbobit - 11 Mb
  4. Via Wupload - 11 Mb
  5. Via Ziddu - 11 Mb
Premium Accounts 19 Januari 2012

Premium Accounts 19 Januari 2012

6:24 PM Add Comment
Noname Cyber | Premium Account

Bagi anda yang doyan download dan yang sangat membutuhkan akun premium ini silahkan dilihat dan mungkin hanya untuk hari ini bisa dipakainya.


Silahkan lihat di sini dan klik skip dan tunggu 5 detik klik skip add

Windows 7 - IT Essentials: PC Hardware and Software (Version 4.1)

10:27 AM Add Comment
Windows 7 - IT Essentials: PC Hardware and Software (Version 4.1)  | Noname Cyber

Which Windows 7 feature allows you to view the contents of the desktop by moving the mouse to the right edge of the taskbar?
  • Aero Peek

A PC that is running the Windows 7 operating system has slowed down over a period of time and now takes a long time to launch applications and open various documents. What can be done to remedy the problem?
  • Run Disk Defragmenter.
A technician has determined that a cache overflow problem is having an impact on the performance of a Windows 7 computer. How could the technician correct this problem?
  • Change the environment variables stored at C:\Documents and Settings\%USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Temp.
How is the Microsoft Assessment and Planning toolkit software used in the upgrade to Windows 7?
  • It is used to assess existing computers to determine whether they can be migrated to Windows 7.
Which Windows 7 feature would an administrator use to configure a client computer to perform a CHKDSK procedure at 3:00 AM each day?
  • Task Scheduler
In which folder are application files for 32-bit programs typically located on a computer that is running a 64-bit edition of Windows 7?
  • C:\Program Files (x86)

Which feature of Windows 7 allows easy access to common tasks specific to a connected device, such as synching or checking for updates?
  • Device Stage
A user downloads and uses the Windows 7 Upgrade Advisor to generate a report on a PC that is being considered for an operating system upgrade. What information would the report contain?
  • recommended changes to hardware

After a computer is powered on, Windows 7 fails to start. What initial procedure would a technician use to deal with this failure?
  • Boot from a Windows 7 installation media and access the System Restore utility.

A technician is planning an operating system upgrade for a user system that is currently running Windows Vista. Because the BitLocker feature embedded in the Windows Vista OS is required, there is a request that this feature be available when the new operating system is installed. Which version or versions of Windows 7 would support this feature?
  • Windows 7 Ultimate
Which operating systems can be upgraded to Windows 7?
  • Windows Vista
A technician is configuring a kiosk PC in the office lobby for customer use. This kiosk needs to be able to display information in English, French, and Spanish. The technician has decided to use Multilingual User Interface packs with Windows 7 to provide the capability of switching easily between languages. What is the minimum version of Windows 7 the technician can use to support this feature?
  • Windows 7 Ultimate
Which statement about Windows 7 is correct?
  • Windows 7 Home Premium cannot be joined to a domain.
A technician wants to deploy Windows 7 to 120 computers in an enterprise. The technician wants to use the least amount of administrative overhead in making sure that all of the computers are able to be upgraded successfully. What should the technician do to accomplish this?
  • Use the Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit.

A user notices that the Windows 7 UAC appears too often after upgrading the computer to Windows 7. What can the user do to correct this problem?
  • Lower the UAC setting in the Change User Account Control settings dialog box of the User Accounts control.

A technician is trying to configure offline files and folders for a Windows 7 Home Premium desktop machine, but cannot get the feature to work. What is the most likely cause of the problem?
  • Windows 7 Home Premium does not support offline files and folders.
A technician wants to allow users to backup and restore all the files on their computers, but does not want the users to be able to make changes to the system. How should the technician give users this functionality?
  • Make the users members of a group called Backup Operators.
A technician has created a partition in preparation for a Windows 7 network installation on a PC. What additional step is required to allow the PC to connect to the file server to complete the installation?
  • The technician must make the partition bootable and include a network client on the local PC.
After using a Windows 7 installation DVD to upgrade a PC from Windows Vista to Windows 7, a user finds that the DVD drive is no longer recognized. What is the probable cause of the problem?
  • A registry error prevents Windows 7 from recognizing the DVD drive.
Which statement about Windows 7 is correct?
  • Windows 7 Starter is only available for netbook computers.

A technician wishes to restart the print spooler on a Windows 7 client computer. Which Task Manager tab would provide support for this action?
  • Services

A user on a Windows 7 Home Premium computer reports that the Aero theme does not work. What action could the technician take to resolve this issue?
  • Replace the graphics card with one that meets the minimum hardware requirements for Windows 7.

Which two options correctly list the amount of hard drive space that is required for a Windows 7 Professional installation on 32-bit and 64-bit systems? (Choose two.)
  • 20 GB of hard drive space for the 64-bit version.
  • 16 GB of hard drive space for the 32-bit version.
A user notices that some of the programs that are installed before upgrading to Windows 7 no longer function properly. What can the user do to fix this problem?
  • Reinstall the programs in Compatibility Mode.

A new Windows 7 user has used the Shake feature to effectively control the desktop. After moving to another system which also employs Windows 7, the user notices that the Shake feature does not work. What could be a possible problem?
  • The computer is using Windows 7 Starter edition.
How should a hard drive be partitioned to support a Windows 7 installation over a network?
  • A FAT32 partition of at least 5 GB must be created.

A user is trying to run a program in Windows 7, but keeps getting an error message that states that the program must be run with elevated privileges. What should the user do to allow this program to run properly without having an impact on the security of other programs?
  • From the Compatibility tab of the Properties of the program, select Run This Program as an Administrator.
A Windows 7 operating system fails to boot when the system is powered on. The technician suspects that the operating system has been attacked by a virus that rendered the system inoperable. What measure could be taken to restore system functionality?
  • Use a system image that was created prior to the failure to restore the system.
What does %USERPROFILE% represent in the path C:\Users\%USERPROFILE%\AppData\Local\Temp?
  • an environment variable that is set by the operating system

A user decides to install the Windows 7 operating system on the hard drive of a PC using the default settings. The user creates a single partition using the entire space on the hard drive. What file system will the partition be formatted with during the install?
  • NTFS

A Windows 7 computer backup that is scheduled for a specific date and time fails to start. What could be done to address this problem?
  • Choose System Restore from the Systems Recovery Options and set the scheduler time.

A network technician is deploying Windows 7 and has been asked to ensure that all machines can join the domain, use jump lists, have location aware printing, and use BitLocker to secure data. What is the minimum version of Windows 7 that the technician can deploy to meet all these requirements?
  • Windows 7 Ultimate
Final Exam for ch 1-10 - IT Essentials: PC Hardware and Software (Version 4.1)

Final Exam for ch 1-10 - IT Essentials: PC Hardware and Software (Version 4.1)

2:48 PM 7 Comments
Which two general precautions should be taken before replacing any non-hot-swappable laptop component? (Choose two.)
*Disconnect the power cord.
Keep any component in a plastic bag until installation.
*Remove any batteries.
Use carpets in cool areas.
Wear rubber-soled shoes to work with the computer.

What is a benefit of using the USB or FireWire ports to connect peripherals to a laptop?
*The peripherals can be plugged in and out without turning the laptop off.
Data transfer is more controlled than using the parallel or serial ports.
The peripherals do not need drivers to communicate with the OS.
Connections are much more reliable.

A user is reporting that a new external hard drive is defective. The laptop will allow access to the drive at times, and then will report that the drive cannot be found. Upon an initial examination of the laptop, it is discovered that the user has ten USB devices connected to the laptop.
What is the best quick solution to this problem?
*Remove all the peripherals except the hard drive and observe the results.
Move the laptop to another location and observe the results.
Replace the power adapter and observe the results.
Replace the USB hub and observe the results.
Flash the BIOS on the laptop and observe the results.

What characterizes spoofing?
*Making data appear to come from a source other than the actual source.
Sending abnormally large amounts of data to a remote server to prevent user access to the server services.
Intercepting or inserting false information in traffic between two hosts.
Sending bulk e-mail to individuals, lists, or domains intending to prevent users from accessing e-mail.

A technician wants to create a new partition on a new additional hard drive. Which tool should be used?
*Disk Management
Device Manager

Which two items are considered proper cleaning tools? (Choose two.)
*compressed air
antistatic mat
*soft cloth
antistatic wrist strap
flat-head screwdriver

Which Windows tool should be run before upgrading the operating system?

When installing the Windows XP operating system, a technician is given a choice of file systems to use. If security is a requirement, which file system should be chosen?

Which type of scanner generally has high costs but produces top-quality images?

Which two quick solutions are commonly recommended when a technician is troubleshooting a laptop? (Choose two.)
*Reboot the laptop.
Reinstall the operating system.
*Disconnect the peripherals.
Have the customer verify the problem.
Call a level-2 technician.

Which protocol dynamically assigns IP addresses to network devices?

Which type of cable standard uses a 9-pin connector and supports data rates in excess of 800 Mbps?
IEEE 1284
IEEE 1394a
*IEEE 1394b

A network administrator is troubleshooting a server that keeps crashing. While monitoring traffic to the server, the administrator notices repeated, larger than normal pings to the server. What is the name of this type of attack?
multi-ping attack
ping bomb
*ping of death
zombie attack

When calculating the total cost of ownership of a printer it is necessary to consider the cost of the consumables. Which two consumables are associated with an inkjet printer? (Choose two.)
*ink cartridge
ink ribbon

Which two memory types are installed using Dual Inline Memory Module (DIMM) slots? (Choose two.)
cache memory

What approach should a technician take when receiving a call from a stressed customer?
Ask the customer to telephone back when the customer is feeling less stressed.
Ask the customer to hold, and then wait five minutes for the customer to calm down.
*Try to establish a rapport with the customer.
Transfer the customer to a level-two technician who will ask the customer to explain the problem again.

A customer needs to purchase a new power supply for a computer. What must be considered when selecting an appropriate power supply?
The power supply converts DC to AC.
*The power supply has sufficient wattage to support all components inside the computer.
The power supply provides at least 800 V.
The power supply must have both a P-8 and P-9 connector.

A technician needs to purchase a new video adapter for a computer. Which factors should be considered when selecting the adapter?
type of hard drive installed
amount of memory installed
*expansion slot type
case form factor

A computer technician needs to test the COM ports on some new computers. Which diagnostic tool can help achieve this task properly?
digital port reader
*loopback adapter
port scanner
network analyzer

The company ABC reports that unauthorized communication from outside the network has caused serious problems in the finance department. Which software tool will help prevent this situation from occurring again in the future?
antivirus program
network analyzer
spyware program

After Windows XP has been installed, which program would a technician use to select the programs that will run at startup?
Task Manager

Which environmental factor helps ensure optimal performance for laptops?
The humidity level should always be below 20 percent.
*Temperature should be preferentially between 45 to 90 degrees Fahrenheit (7 to 32 degrees Celsius) to avoid overheating.
In dusty conditions, laptop vents should be partially covered to prevent the internal components from getting dirty.
Laptops should be cleaned every month or the internal components will be damaged.

A printer has a paper jam. An impatient user has sent multiple print jobs of the same document to this printer. What can be done to remove these print jobs?
*Cancel the jobs in the printer queue.
Select landscape or portrait image layout.
Set the printed image to colors or to grayscale.
Adjust the settings to match the colors on the screen to the colors on the printed sheet.

Which are three steps in the laser printing process? (Choose three.)

A technician has installed and configured an external projector on a laptop. What is the final task the technician must perform for the image to be displayed through the projector?
*Press the function key sequence to activate the image on the projector.
Disconnect the laptop from AC power.
Reboot the laptop into dual monitor mode.
Turn audio and video off on the laptop and on for the projector.

Which port is used only for input?

An employee is receiving e-mail from unknown banks asking for username and password information. Which type of security attack is the employee experiencing?
Trojan horse

A newly purchased scanner is not functioning as efficiently as expected. Which step should a technician take to improve performance?
Download drivers and utilities from a user forum on the Internet.
*Download drivers and utilities from the manufacturer web site.
Reinstall the software that came with the scanner.
Buy a different scanner.

A customer who owns a business that creates high-quality color graphic images wants a new printer. The customer already has an ink-jet printer. Which type of printer would be a good recommendation?

A network administrator has finished migrating from a peer-to-peer network to a new client-server network configuration. What are two advantages of the new configuration? (Choose two.)
The total cost of the new solution is considerably lower.
*Data is more secure in the event of hardware failures.
Individual users are in control of their own computers and network resources.
*Data resources and access are centrally controlled.
Personnel costs are lower because a dedicated network administrator is no longer necessary.

What must be done before a technician cleans a very dirty LCD screen on a laptop?
Place the laptop in standby mode.
Remove the screen from the laptop.
*Remove the battery.
Enable the autoclean setting in the BIOS.

A technician notices that a data floppy disk is in the floppy disk drive of a computer when it is powered on. Which error message could this potentially cause?
device / service failed to start
floppy disk corrupted
*invalid system disk
corrupted driver

The driver for a network interface card has been updated on a Windows XP computer. All network access has been lost. Which steps in the Windows XP Classic View should be followed to roll back the network interface card driver?
*Choose Start > Settings > Control Panel. Double-click System. Click the Hardware tab. Choose Device Manager. Double-click the NIC adapter. Click the Driver tab. Click the Roll Back Driver button.
Choose Start > Settings > Control Panel. Double-click Network Connections. Right-click the NIC. Choose Properties > Uninstall.
Choose Start > Settings > Control Panel. Double-click System. Click the Hardware tab. Choose Device Manager. Choose Action > Uninstall.
Choose Start > Settings > Control Panel. Double-click Add or Remove Programs. Click Change.

A technician is asked to wire a network that supports CSMA/CD. Which architecture and physical topology should the technician use for supporting this access control method?
*Ethernet and Star
FDDI and Ring
Token Ring and Double Ring
Wireless and Ring

A network technician receives an error that there is insufficient physical disk space on an external drive to hold a file from a Windows XP computer. What is a possible cause for the problem?
The technician lacks the file attribute rights to the file to copy it to the external drive.
*The external drive is formatted with a FAT 32 file system and the file is too large for that file system.
The file is a system file and will cause the operating system to fail if it is moved.
The technician needs to add the file to the Master File System before trying to move the file.

All default Windows XP tools and utilities are installed on a computer. The technician discovered that a few other Windows components are still needed. Which procedure can accomplish this task?
Press Ctrl-Alt-Del. Choose Task Manager > Performance > Add/Remove Windows Components
Open the Windows XP CD. Locate the Windows Components folder. Right click on Component. Choose Install.
Right click on the Desk Top. Choose Properties > Settings > Add/Remove Windows Components
*Choose Start > Control Panel > Add Remove Programs > Add/Remove Windows Components

Why does the cable from the power supply to the motherboard have different colored wires?
A single wire could not carry enough current.
There is one wire for each motherboard component.
*Each wire carries a different voltage.
The motherboard slot requires the number of wires that are represented by the different colors.

A home computer user is trying to customize the power management on a computer using Windows XP. However, the custom configuration is unsuccessful. What task must be completed to enable power management to be configured?
ACPI power management must be enabled in the BIOS using Administrative Tools in the Windows Control Panel.
APM power management mode must be configured in the BIOS before ACPI can be used to enable power management.
APM power management mode must be configured in the BIOS so that Windows XP can be used to enable power management.
*ACPI power management mode must be enabled in the BIOS before Windows XP can be used to configure power management.

A home computer owner has a PC system that runs Windows XP. For security reasons the owner has been using a limited local user account for a number of years. The owner wishes to install a new piece of software, but the user account does not have the necessary permissions. Which type of account does the owner need to use to install the new software?

A technician installed a network adapter in a computer and wants to test network connectivity. The ping command can only receive a response from local workstations. What could be causing the problem?
The NIC driver is out of date.
The operating system is not compatible with the remote sites.
The TCP/IP protocol stack is not loaded.
*The default gateway is not set.

What are the four layers in the TCP/IP reference model?
HTTP, TCP, IP, Ethernet
TCP, IP, Ethernet, IEEE
*application, transport, internet, network access
application, presentation, session, transport
physical, data link, network, transport

What deficiency is associated with RAID 0 compared with RAID 1?
RAID 0 is more expensive to implement.
RAID 0 requires at least one additional hard drive.
*RAID 0 does not provide any protection for the data that is located on a hard drive.
RAID 0 requires a minimum of two hard drives and two controllers.

Noname Cyber
Refer to the exhibit. A Cisco Networking Academy instructor is trying to print a flash graphic from the curriculum. The print job has gone into the print queue as shown. Based on the output, what should be the next step in solving this problem?
Check the printer for status messages.
Restart the computer.
Upgrade the printer driver.
Reinstall the printer driver.
*Check the printer cabling and power.

A directly-attached printer has always failed to work. Print jobs and the printer test page fail to print, but the printer self-test page prints OK. If the cabling is installed correctly, what is most likely the problem?
a dry print cartridge
*an incorrect printer driver
an outdated system BIOS
a missing Windows service pack

Which measures can help control RFI effects?
Ensure the humidity and temperature levels are set as low as possible.
Ensure the number of wireless NICs exceeds the number of wireless phones.
*Ensure the wireless network is on a different frequency than the offending source.
Ensure each wireless NIC is configured to operate at different frequencies from all other wireless NICs.

Which firewall port number or number combination must be open in order to remotely access a network device using SSH?

Which feature allows a technician to manage power settings through a Microsoft Windows control panel?
setting two motherboard pins using a jumper
*enabling ACPI through system BIOS settings
using a combination of the Fn key and another keystroke
sliding the selective power switch to the on position on the power supply

Noname Cyber
Refer to the exhibit. A technician is troubleshooting a problem where a teacher is unable to connect a laptop to a wireless network. The wireless NIC is enabled and the wireless network configuration settings are correct. Which key would be used in conjunction with the Fn key to enable the wireless connection?

What is the purpose of Windows Vista 64-bit Kernel Patch Protection?
*It prevents third party drivers from modifying the operating system kernel.
It permits the 64-bit operating system to patch the operating system at a much higher rate.
It prevents the use of additional operating system kernels from being added to Vista.
It allows the use of unsigned drivers to be used within the 64-bit Vista operating system.
It prevents the use of 32-bit drivers with the 64-bit Visa operating system.

Which two file systems are available for selection during installation of Windows XP? (Choose two.)